3 including doctor arrested in pre-natal sex examination case

Kurukshetra ( Satish Handa): Health department team at Kurukshetra in joint operation with health department Kaithal in a raid arrested three persons of a racket including two agents Sukhdev Singh resident of Vishnu Colony working as driver of a private hospital ambulance, another agent Tilak Raj and a unregistered doctor Mohd. Nadeem  resident of Shamli in Western U.P while checking pre-natal sex of unborn child of a pregnant woman with the help of a portable ultrasound machine and a device rotating on her stomach. The raiding team seized portable ultrasound machines, device and 85 Medical Termination Pregnancy (MTP) Kits.

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PNDT Nodal Officer Dr R. K. Sahay told that Civil Surgeon Kaithal gave information about the racket involved in illegal pre-natal  checking of sex of child in pregnant women operating in the area to Civil Surgeon Kurukshetra Dr Sukhbir Singh who constituted a team to bust the racket which prepared a fake pregnant women and a deal was finalized with the agent Sukhdev Singh at Rs 30000. Sukhdev called fake female customer in early morning hours at Bus Stand Kurukshetra where health department team was also waiting. Sukhdev and Tilak Raj took pregnant female to a residential house via Sharadha Chock and Salarpur Road in a car chased by health department team in another car.

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Health department team on a signal conducted surprise raid when Dr Mohd. Nadeem was checking pre-natal sex of unborn child said stated a female child in her womb with the help of portable ultrasound machine seized by health department team which also recovered 85 MTP kits during search. A case was registered against three.     

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