580 fresh Hepatitis cases identified in Ambala district only worries state health department

Published Date: 04-08-2023 | 2:30 pm

Ambala: Fast spreading hepatitis  in the state is a matter of concern for state health department since in past six years district health department Ambala had received 547 and the district health department expressed worry due to as many as 580 fresh cases received in past about a year with 46 deaths. According to Dr Sanjiv Singla District Health Officer it has been observed use those addicted to drugs and taking excessive liquor from families below poverty line, youths having ‘tatoos’ on their bodies were found victims of this dreaded hepatitis also known as ‘Kala Peelia’ disease, getting done shaving from a barber shop with unhygienic blade, use of a infected syringe or during blood swere observed prime reason for this disease.  

 Dr Harsha Ambala district Health Department Nodal Officer said that we are getting large number of patients suffering from Hepatitis from adjoining Punjab state as well as from neighboring Yamunanagar, and Kurukshetra districts also at the Civil Hospital Ambala and among patients include nearly 50% prisoners lodged in Ambala central jail . He said that among prime symptoms of this disease include lack of appeitite, loss of weight and feeling of tiredness, swelling of liver and it is difficult to identify this disease for which a thorough screening of suspected patient is necessary

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During the year 2019 a National Virus Hepatitis Control Programme ‘Jiwan Rekha’ was started in Haryana state in order to conduct screening test and treatment of disease. For the treatment of this disease usually a patient had to spend an amount between Rs 30 to 40 thousand every month on the treatment and huge amounts to be spent on screening tests at a private hospital, but the Haryana state government provides free treatment as well as medicines to a patient suffering from this disease.  Usually, it takes 12 to 24 months to  forcuri this disease.  Dr Sanjiv Singla said that Hepatitis test of pregnant women is usually conducted prior to delivery of child. He said, after delivery  of a child the newly born is injected with Immune Globia Injection within 24 hour after the delivery.  

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