BBMB Honoured for Best Performance in Water and Power Sectors in the Country

Chandigarh: BBMB operates and maintains Bhakra and Beas, the Iconic Multipurpose Projects of India that continuously supply, around 28 MAF of water & 10,000 to 14,000 Million Units of energy annually to its partner States for meeting their Irrigation, Power and Drinking water requirements for more than 54 years. Six power houses of BBMB having installed capacity of 2918.73 MW plays an important role in maintaining grid parameters such as providing peaking power besides supplying “Black Start Power” in the event of Grid Collapse.
Keeping in view outstanding performance of BBMB Projects and their continuous service to the Nation, based on recommendations of the high level jury, BBMB has been awarded the prestigious National Level CBIP Award as a “Best Performing Utility in Hydro Power Sector”. In Water Resources Sector, BBMB’s Beas Project Unit-1 & 2 (i.e. BSL Project & Beas Dam at Pong) were also awarded as “Best Maintained Projects (functional for more than 10 years), in a function organized at Delhi on 4th January 2019. These projects were selected due to their robust health, ensured by rigorously followed detailed maintenance schedules, round the clock vigil, use of latest technology and material for their upkeep & repairs, under the dynamic leadership of D.K. Sharma, Chairman, BBMB.
These awards were received by D.K. Sharma, Chairman, BBMB from Shri Raj Kumar Singh, Hon’ble Minister of State (I/C) for Power and New & Renewable Energy, Govt. of India on 4th January, 2019 in the presence of Shri Devineni Uma Maheswara Rao, Hon’ble Minister Water Resources, Govt. of Andhra Pradesh, Ajay Bhalla, Secretary Power, Govt of India and U.P. Singh, Secretary, Ministry of Water Resources, River Development and Ganga Rejuvenation, in an award ceremony held at New Delhi.
D.K. Sharma, Chairman, BBMB thanked the dedicated team of employees, technicians and engineers of BBMB for their untiring efforts for bringing this laurel and congratulated them for this prestigious achievement.

See also  BBMB wins key National award

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