I’m badly abused, cursed in Congress love dictionary: Modi

Kurukshetra, May 9 (Satish Handa): Addressing a large gathering at Kurukshetra poll rally in support of BJP contestant Nayab Saini state minister, Prime Minister Narender Modi expressed deep concern over Priyanka Gandhi Wadra’s remarks at a Congress rally at Ambala comparing him with ‘Duryodhan’ in ‘Mahabharat’. Pointing at Congress, Modi said that their leaders as well as leaders of political parties in opposition have crossed all limits of dignity abusing, cursing him as a traitor,a stupid Prime Minister, Gangu Teli, snake, mad dog, mentally sick, mout ka saudagar, agent selling army men blood comparing him with Hitlar, Daud Ibrahim and Ravan having only aim ‘Modi Hatao’ in Congress dictionary..
Modi said that has come to historic holy town Kurukshetra witnessed ‘Mahabharat’ war between truth and evils to seek blessings from the residents cannot forget BJP government developments across the country, brought India on international map in past five years BJP rule, bravely faced Pakistan terrorism in their country through air strike. He said, nearly 130 crore people across the country cannot forget the developments, achievement from village to satellite, high way to eye way , mobile to missile in past five year BJP rules. Modi said, he feels Haryana state as his home state and well familiar with each and every town in the state adding that your single vote in 2014 polls proves beneficial for the country and present vote and support to BJP candidate will bring historic developmental achievements in coming five years and completely finish terrorism in the country.
Modi blamed Congress for taking no action on SYL canal water during its rule as a result farmers in Haryana state were deprived of its share of water. He further accused Congress for our canals water being used by neighbouring Pakistan state and in case this ‘Chowkidar’ comes to power again will not allow sharing even a single drop of water with Pakistan, he assured. Modi alleged Congress government responsible for playing politics on Hinduism and falsely implicated innocent people in Samjhauta Express Blast case to please Pakistan and all those responsible for it would not be spared at any cost.

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