BJP Leader Questions Sidhu’s Silence on Nanakana Sahib Attack

Senior Punjab BJP leader Rajinder Mohan Singh Chhina today hit out at Congress leader Navjot Singh Sidhu for his `studied silence’ on the sacrilegious violent attack by a mob on Nankana Sahib Gurdwara in Pakistan. He said while the whole Sikh community and nation was shocked at the incident, motormouth Sidhu has gone into hibernation and has not uttered even a word against his `Pakistani friends’.
“Where are you hiding now? Your friends whom you were embracing have not only waged war against India but are even targeting the most sacred places like birth place of Guru Nank Dev Ji. Your silence is deafening”, said Chhina in a hard hitting statement here today. Both Chhina and Sidhu who was in BJP before joining Congress, had been staunch opponents and do not see an eye to eye and are always at loggerhead.
Chhina said that the NDA government under Prime Minister Narendra Modi had brought courageous Citizenship Amendment Act (CAA) which is justified in the wake of the attack on holy shrine of the Sikhs in Pakistan. “The Sikhs and Hindus are minorities and are not safe in Pakistan. Their lives, properties and places of worships are always under attack. The CAA has brought respite to the bealeagured minority communities as they can seek right to live in India”, said Chhina.
While demanding from Pakistan government to protect Sikhs, Hindus and their places of worship, he said India must welcome those families who are living in fear in Pakistan. He said the way the angry mob surrounded Gurdwara Nankana Sahib and issued threats publicly is evident how the minorities communities are treated in Pakistan. Apart from Sidhu he also questioned the silence of so called liberals in India who are also in hibernation and did not feel the need to condemn the attack.

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