Gang of 4 running sex determination racket busted with one arrest

Team of health department Ambala district along with police busted a gang of four persons
running a sex determination racket in a residential house at village Jadtoli near Malerkotla in
Ludhiana district. The team arrested an agent Kulvinder resident of village Tepla near
Ambala Cantt and registered case against three others managed to escape identified as Dr.
Jatindaer, Gurpreet Singh and his wife Amandeep Kaur residents of Malerkotla both
members of the gang.
PNDT team of health department Ambala comprising of three doctors Vijay
Verma, Hitarth and Maneesh along with an police personnel prepared a
pregnant woman for sex determination of child in her womb after obtaining
permission from Deputy Commissioner Ambala Ashok Kumar. The agent
Kulvinder finalised had deal with the pregnant woman at Rs 30000 and took her
to Ludhiana in a car from Ambala City, chased by Ambala health department
team accompanied by police in another car. Kulvinder met another couple
Harpreet Singh and his wife Amandeep Kaur both agents waiting for them at
Malerkotla who took them to a house in village Jadtoli where Dr. Jatinder
examined the sex of unborn child of pregnant woman on ultrasound machine
and identified pregnant woman carrying male child. On way back to Ludhiana
they stopped vehicle at a roadside gurudwara near Malerkotla when Ambala
health deparytment team along with police personnel conducted surprise raid
and arrested Kulvinder Singh agent from whom Rs 4000 was recovered,
whereas other three managed to flee in surrounding agriculture fields leaving
their vehicle. According to district health department, several similar rackets
involved in operating illegal sex determination of child of pregnant women
business in adjoining states Punjab, U.P and Uttaranchal has been busted in past also.

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