Haryana industry opposing 75% jobs to local ordinance to challenge in court


Haryana state government has decided to approve ordinance to reserve 75% jobs in private sector for youths of the state, but before approval of this ordinance industry entrepreneurs in the state has started strongly opposing the same and produced its ill effects likely to face by them to Haryana Chamber of Commerce. Information reveals, there are 82248 registered micro and small industrial units, 1357 medium and large scale registered industry units and 44250 registered export units in Haryana state.

During a survey to have entrepreneurs views in this regard, most of them said that they are providing employment to required number of local youths from the state and in present circumstances when entire industry across the world is facing economic as well as business slow down due to corona epidemic outbreak they are not in a position to accept any ordinance forcibly imposed on them at the time when most of experienced workers as well as skilled labourers migrated from other states have returned to their native places. They straightway said have no time to provide training to fresh workers and state government should not disturb industry at this stage when they are facing severe crisis since past several months due to shortage of funds as well as skilled labour to run industry.

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The president of various trade organizations in the state has decided to see Haryana Chief Minister Manohar Lal Khatter to explain their grievances and not to interfere in their personal business and in case no relief will be provided by the government they will move to Punjab and Haryana High Court against this ordinances or will be compelled to shift their industry to other states. The entrepreneurs said, as a result of lockdown the industry in the state is facing severe economic crisis as well as business slump and cannot afford to replace their old experienced as well as skilled labourers left with them working since a long time and with the fresh ones taking risk to provide them training having no guarantee that after having training they will continue with the job for how much time or leave the job after getting training.

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While having discussion with few experienced industry entrepreneurs in the state, they said, Himachal government had introduced similar ordinance in the state few years ago, which brought discouraging results as industry in Himachal Pradesh today facing not only severe shortage of workers but also frequent labour strikes. Most of the industry entrepreneurs were of opinion that the decision will not be in favour of industry in the state, rather result industrial decline and disturbance at this stage when nearly 70% industrial units in the state have either closed down their shutters or facing sickness and remaining industrial units are away from their tracks. They suggested not to disturb industry, which may prove harmful for both entrepreneurs  as well as government in the state.

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