Financial trouble :News agency photojournalist T Kumar found hanging in office

Chennai:  T Kumar, a veteran photojournalist working for a news agency here was last night found hanging in the office, sources in the organisation said on Monday.

A colleague found Kumar hanging from a ceiling hook in the agency’s office last night. On information, police personnel arrived and they rushed the photographer to the Kilpauk Government Medical College Hospital where he was declared brought dead. Following autopsy, the body was handed over to his family on Monday.

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Kumar was 56 and he is survived by wife, son and a daughter. Sources in the news outlet here said he was facing financial trouble and ‘backlog of salaries.’

A photojournalist with over 30 years experience, he rose through the ranks of the news agency to become its state bureau chief. He had joined the news agency in 1986 and he was the first photographer to become state head of the agency in Tamil Nadu.

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