Fake call centre cheating youths by offering jobs busted with 38 arrests

Cyber crime police Gurugram in Haryana recentlyin a raid during night busted a racket cheating people willing to get jobs through a fake call centre functioning on the second floor of  a building in Phase V of Udyog Vihar Gurugram. Police Commissioner Aastha Modi told that nearly 38 persons including organizer of call centre identified as Sonu a resident of Hans Enclave and 10 female workers named Nisha, Rukhsana,  Megha, Sanjana, Jyoti, Chand, Vandna, Shruti, Sonia and Beauty Kumari were arrested by police. Among some of males taken into possession by the raiding team while busy in cheating people at the time of raid were identified as Ajay, Divanshu, , Rohit, Lokesh,  Arvind, Sumeet, Hardesh, Krishan, Amit, Raj and Durgesh.

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According to Cyber Crime police information, the call centre registered on fake name was cheating youths looking for job after getting their data from various sites and contacting them offering attractive jobs on telephone call or e-mail. Police during raid seized 27 mobile phones, 21 CPUs, a laptop, large quantity of letters for interview and offers for jobs along with currency notes for amount worth Rs 38000.

Information revealed that fake racket was getting Rs 6500 as registration fee, Rs 28000 towards commission and higher amount for offering jobs having special packages through links and depositing amount in Indus-Ind Bank fake account. Preliminary investigation revealed that the fake call centre extracted amount worth over Rs 1.25 crore from youths willing to have jobs so far. Aastha Modi made an appeal to beware of such on-line cheats demanding advance money through telephone call, e-mail, website and face book collecting money on the basis of links and avoid to provide information as regard their bank account.       

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