Sex trade flourishing at Yamunanagar, over 2 dozen couples arrested

Yamunanagar : On several complaints by the residents of area, Yamunanagr police took into possession over two dozen young couples in a hotel & Cafe, most of them in highly objectionable condition during raid and found large number of females lying in the arms of their male partner in broad daylight in cabins at The Times Hotel & Cafe situated on Santpura Road in the town on Monday afternoon. Police also recovered liquor bottles, glasses and other objectionable material during raid. Police arrested manager of hotel and cafe along with three females staying in the hotel since past few days suspected involved in prostitution. Police also arrested a female suspected supervising flesh business in the hotel. Police investigation continued till late evening. Information reveals, nearly a dozen couples were found lying undressed in hotel room.

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According to Kamaljeet Singh In-charge police station, few of the couples were found in highly objectionable condition in cafe cabins were released after warning. He told, a number of times police raided such hotels and cafe in past also but accused generally manage to escape getting information or down the shutter prior to arrival of police. Information reveals, there are large number of hotels and cafe located near the colleges, Model Town area and in posh areas in the town, some of these frequently used for illicit sex business charging between Rs 200 to 300 per hours for each cabin from visiting couples. There are few cafe having large number of cabins on upper floor to accommodate 20 to 25 couples at a times. Police also conducted raid in another cafe in the town late evening and arrested eight males and ten males in highly objectionable condition some of them under the influence of liquor. 

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