Midwife working as agent to detect sex of unborn child arrested

Ambala :  Dr Kuldeep Singh Chief Medical Officer Ambala district on getting clue as regard a midwife identified as Santosh a resident of Lalru in Punjab near Ambala City working as an agent in the area to find out the sex of unborn child in pregnant women deployed a team of health department doctors led by Dr Balwinder Kaur Deputy CMO who prepared a pregnant  woman to contact Santosh to find out the sex of child in her womb and the deal was finalized at Rs 20000 and the woman agent called her at Lalru bus stand. Health department team paid amount to pregnant woman and chased her in a car when she was on way to Lalru as fixed.

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Santosh took pregnant woman to Multi Diagnostic Centre at Derabassi nearby for a ultrasound test to find out sex of unborn child, however the doctor was not present at the time of ultrasound test and after time the agent Santosh when got a message on her mobile phone arrived and demanding Rs 500 tip for sweets congratulated pregnant woman saying that she was carrying a male child. Meanwhile, health department team arrived and arrested Santosh and during checking recovered Rs 10500 in her purse which she told that she took Rs 10000 as her commission and Rs 500 taken for sweets.      

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