Thousands undertrial sex exploitation, murder cases  in Haryana courts hanging due to FSL report

Information reveals, thousangs of serious criminal cases including sex exploitation, rapes, child abuse and murders under trial in courts in Haryana state are lying pending for decision since a long times in the absence of report from Forensic Science Loaboratory (FSL) Madhuban in Karnal district. When talked to the Director FSL Madhuban Dr C.S Rao he told that the delay in this regard is due to non-availabi;lity of DNA kits which are being imported from USA for which the matter has been taken up with Director General Police, Haryana  since three reminders have already been submitted to the government which have already released tender for the procurement of same.
According to information, each kit costing amount between Rs 4 to 4.5 lakh is capable to undertake more than 30  DNA tests. Information further reveals that more than 10000 sex exploitation, rapes, gang rapes and child abuse are lying pending in the courts across the state at present due to non-availability of DNA report from FSL Madhuban causing lot of inconvenience to people being harassed in courts..
Meanwhile, a corruption case  as regard embezzlements in procurement of DNA kits  at Forensic Research Laboratory Madhuban is going on at present and the case is being investigated by Anti Corruption Bureau Haryana state. Sometime ago Haryana Home & Health Minister Anil Vij also ordered to  constitute SIT led by two senior IPS officers also to submit a report to Anti Corruption Bureau which also submitted a video call recording in this regard. 

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