Chandigarh: Haryana Chief Secretary Sanjiv Kaushal while talking to media persons told that decision has been taken by state government to replace all government vehicles older that 15 years as scrap vehicles since old vehicles being used in the state are not environment friendly spreading not only pollution but also need frequent repairs, thus requiring frequent huge amount on the repairs as well as their maintenance after reached 15 years lifespan. He said, information has already been sent to Additional Chief Secretaries, chief Administrators of Corporations, Managing Directors of Boards, Deputy Commissioners and Registrar of Universities to provide information as regard vehicles 15 years old now need retirement in their department in the state, since such vehicles need lot of expenses on their maintenance

Sanjiv Kaushal told that Finace Department has been advised to sanction fundes for purchase of new vehicles by various departments at an early. He said that Road Transport Corporation has been requested not to permit renewal of the registration of all such vehicle which are 15 years old as per Central Motor Vehicle Act 1950 after 1st April 2023 and if need arises the registration of all such vehicles which are of age above 15 years will be cancelled in Haryana state as in case of NCR where the management in Gurugram district cancelled registration of thousands of vehicles above 15 years old plying on roads.
Other points widely discussed in a meeting at Chandigarh included non availability of CCTV cameras installed in parking areas in the Union Territorry. Large numbers of cases regarding thefts in vehicles parked inside parking complexes are frequently reported especially in University campus, outside the hospitals and the markets in different sectors including cases of mobile phones and laptops stolen from the vehicles outside administrative blocks and exam centres inside Panjab University campus. recently. This is not the first case of theft reported in University campus, recently on May 24, a woman reported that someone had broken into her car parked inside the University campus and stolen valuable goods.