Asia’s biggest wholesale cloth market looks for survival


Asia’s biggest wholesale cloth market at Ambala City having nearly 1000 shops, showrooms in which nearly 12000 persons are employed doing annual business worth Rs 2000 crore in which cloth traders from all over Haryana state as well as adjoining states Punjab, Himachal Pradesh, U.P and Rajasthan visit for purchase of cloth is presently looking for survival since market is closed due to lock down declared by the government since past 49 days when Janta Curfew was declared on March 22 this year now awaiting for May 3 when state government would take decision if lock down would be lifted or continues further.

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According to president of wholesale cloth market union Vishal Batra, the dealers had distributed salaries to staff for the month March 2020 but  are in a fix how to distribute salaries for the month April when entire market was forced to closed down their shops due to lock down and most of the shopkeepers will not be in a position to arrange funds for salaries to their staff. Batra said that wholesale cloth market is doing maximum business during marriage season, which has already been passed. He said, Haryana state government has sealed all neighbouring states borders and it would not be possible for traders arriving from other states to enter Haryana for purchase of cloth even though lock down withdrawn in the state. He said, it would take much time to bring situation  normal in spite of the fact government lifts lock down on May 3 this year.  

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