Aster Hospitals performs medical miracle with only the second, rare heart re-transplant in India

Published Date: 19-06-2024 | 1:00 am

Bengaluru : For seven years (2016–2023), a 32-year-old engineer grappled with recurrent heart failure, necessitating frequent hospitalizations. His arduous journey culminated in a successful heart transplant at Aster Hospitals.

In 2016, the patient was diagnosed with dilated cardiomyopathy and severe heart dysfunction, which caused irreversible damage to his heart, leaving no hope for recovery. Despite financial constraints, his father and dedicated partner secured the necessary funds for the surgery, which was performed successfully without complications. The patient remained stable until 2020. Despite facing a prognosis with a 75% survival rate, the patient and his partner remained resolute. They married in 2018, facing the challenges of post-transplant life together, with his wife providing unwavering support throughout his recovery.

However, in 2020, the patient contracted severe COVID-19, necessitating intensive care. Fortunately, he made a full recovery without lasting effects. After overcoming this ordeal, their joy was amplified with the birth of a beautiful baby girl.

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In 2021, the patient experienced new health challenges. Chest pain and backaches led to the diagnosis of cardiac allograft vasculopathy, a narrowing of the arteries in his transplanted heart. A follow-up echocardiogram in 2022 revealed severe biventricular dysfunction, necessitating a second heart transplant. The patient faced this news with unyielding determination.

Recognizing the complexity of the case, a team of cardiologists led by Dr. Nagamalesh U M mobilized to perform a life-saving heart re-transplant. This groundbreaking procedure was a first in Karnataka and the second in India. The patient underwent the complex re-transplantation in December 2023. Initial complications arose due to bleeding and episodes of rejection, but meticulous management through regular biopsies and close monitoring ensured a successful recovery.

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The patient has now completed six months post-transplant with no further complications. “The past few years have been a medical rollercoaster for me. Learning I needed a second transplant was a setback, but the exceptional team of surgeons, led by Dr. Ganeshakrishnan Iyer and supported by Dr. Divakar Bhat, Dr. Arul Dominic Furtado, Dr. Madhusudana Narayana, Dr. Prashanth Y M, and Lead Cardiologist Dr. Nagamalesh U M, provided unwavering support throughout my treatment. My family was kept informed about the surgery, and all our questions were addressed. I am immensely grateful for their expertise and compassion. They have given me the gift of renewed health and the opportunity to look forward to the future,” said the patient.

Commenting on the surgery, Prof. Dr. Nagamalesh U M, Lead Consultant – Cardiology, Interventional Cardiologist, Aster CMI Hospital, Bangalore, and Director – Heart Failure, Transplant & MCS Program, Aster Hospitals, Bangalore, said, “The patient’s post-transplant course included significant bleeding events due to the second surgery and the ongoing requirement for blood thinners and rejections. However, through meticulous monitoring and regular endomyocardial biopsies, these challenges were effectively managed. Importantly, the patient has now achieved a successful 6-month post-operative period with no further complications, demonstrating his remarkable resilience and the invaluable support of his loved ones.”

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