Be Cautious, while using Messaging Apps and social media

Published Date: 10-03-2025 | 1:35 pm

Telegram is being monitored closely globally for its negative activities. Australia’s e-Safety Commission had issued notices to YouTube, Twitter X, Facebook, Telegram in March 2024 for promoting extremist activities through live-streaming features, algorithms and recommendation systems and had specifically asked Telegram to state what steps they are taking to prevent content related to child sexual abuse. In August 2024, Telegram founder Mr. Pavel Durov was arrested in France for using the app in illegal activities. This year, question papers of Madhya Pradesh Board 10th and 12th examinations were being bought and sold on Telegram before examination. These instances are just a model, there is a long list of wrong deeds being done on these platforms.

Many types of illegal activities are being materialized through channels and groups active on the Telegram messaging app. In this, sharing movies, web series, e-books, software, hacking software, etc. without permission is the most common. Fraud is carried out on this platform under the guise of investment, lottery or other fake attractive schemes. Not only this, drugs, pornographic photos and videos, credit card details, etc. are bought and sold through the dark web. Fake news, and rumours are also propagated here, which can lead to social, religious and political instability. Political parties, individuals and businessmen use this platform to promote their agenda and various products. Extremist organizations also propagate terrorist activities through it. Since Telegram promotes independent sources and private messaging, it is difficult for its promoters to control it.

WhatsApp is the most popular messaging app in the world and just like Telegram, it is also used to promote many illegal and unethical activities. Criminals, fraudsters, and scammers are misusing this platform as it has become a secure medium for confidential communication and digital fraud. Due to the end-to-end encryption facility in both WhatsApp and Telegram, it is easy to carry out illegal activities on both these platforms.

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Rumours and fake news spread rapidly through WhatsApp forwards. Fake news is used to incite political and religious controversies. Even during the Corona pandemic, people were confused by spreading misleading information related to vaccine, health, government schemes. Fraud is also being done by sending messages about fake lottery and job offers, banking and OTP fraud, investment in crypto, false investment schemes, KYC update fraud, SIM being blocked etc. Fraud is also being implemented through deepfake and morphed photos. Under the dating scam, people are being cheated by creating fake profiles in the name of girls. Fake goods are being sold by creating fake WhatsApp business accounts. Fake products are being delivered under cash on delivery fraud. Under the discount scam, people are being duped by offering huge discounts and then delivering fake or defective products.

Snapchat is the most dangerous among messaging apps. Taking advantage of its “disappearing message” feature, drugs, weapons, and fake documents are being bought and sold on this platform. It has become common to make friends with people by creating fake profiles on Snapchat and then blackmailing them by threatening to leak their private photos and videos. There have been many cases of brainwashing minor girls, then, obtaining their nude photos, and then, sexually exploiting them by deceiving them. Snapchat has become a big hub of pornographic content. Here, paid subscription models are active. Adult content is bought and sold illegally on Snapchat through codewords like “private snap” or “premium snap”.

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The purpose of social media is to connect people, entertain and share information, but criminals are using it to earn money. Facebook and Instagram are among the most popular social media platforms in the world, but followers, likes, comments and views are being bought and sold on these platforms for fraud and cheating and such pressure is affecting people’s self-confidence and making them victims of depression. Fraud is being done very easily through fake engagement, fake influencers and fake followers.

People’s personal information and bank details are being stolen by sending fake job offers and fake links on social media. Fake identity cards like Aadhar card, passport, driving license are being sold on these. Online gambling and betting are done. Cricket betting, online casino and other illegal activities are being materialized.

Fake brands and online stores are also active on these platforms, which carry out fraud by luring people to sell products at cheap rates. People are being cheated with the help of schemes like “get rich quick”. Crypto currency is also a big factor in fraud. The glamorous lifestyle and filtered photographs shown on Instagram are also making the youth fall prey to depression and at the same time they are also suffering from a feeling of insecurity.

YouTube is also a big medium of fraud. Illegal content and semi pornographic reels are being shown here too. Also, subscribers, views and likes are being bought and sold. Piracy and copyright infringement, fake gurus, fake motivational speakers etc. are all running a fraud shop on this channel. Many YouTube channels earn crores of views and money by spreading misleading news, rumours and false claims. Money is also being earned by creating controversial content related to religion, politics and society. Many types of false claims are made, in which health is the most prominent. People can even lose their lives due to misleading and fake information in this matter.

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The government is aware of the illegal activities being carried out on messaging apps and social media, but till now it has not been able to come up with any law or measure that can free the common man from these problems. For now, users need to be cautious. They can do this by not joining unknown groups and channels, not clicking on any suspicious links, not forwarding fake news, reporting suspected cybercrimes to the cyber cell or concerned agencies, etc.

The responsibility of parents regarding minors has increased a lot in the changed environment. They need to be alerted all the time, maintain a friendly behaviour with children and keep a close eye on their activities.

Satish Singh, Ahmedabad Based Senior Columnist, views are personal

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