Let’s make a resolution not to eat junk food for the next year and plan a trip to natural places. You can start saving money for your future needs and emergencies. You can also work on a plan to spend more time with your family.

The current year is coming to an end and the New Year is about to enter in our lives with a bang. It’s the best time to press the reset button of our lives to get rid of bad habits and start something new and wonderful. By the way, the clock of time keeps on moving at its own pace. But as soon as the yearly calendar changes, everything seems to have changed. As if the previous train left the station and a new train is standing on the platform to take us to the new destination. It is the last fortnight of the passing year and what better time to move ahead with full enthusiasm with new resolutions. The best way to make your New Year’s resolutions come true is to choose one goal at a time, work towards it patiently, reshape your working style, and always remember that “change isn’t a one-night show”. Change happens slowly and it takes a long time to mature things or thoughts. It is an ongoing process that happens every day.
Every New Year, people start thinking about creating a better edition of them. New Year is a time of new beginnings, new resolutions, and new dreams. With the passing of a year, the speed of the old resolutions gets down, everything seems decreasing, as if the engine is exhausted, or something is missing. In such a situation, the New Year comes like a reset button, a new beginning. Abraham Lincoln once said – “Always keep in mind that your own determination to be successful is more important than anything else.” We can give direction to our great resolve by taking one small step every day. Keep noting down your everyday progress in a diary and give yourself some rewards when you reach a certain point. This keeps the excitement going and the engine doesn’t goes down.
The year 2022 has been comparatively better than the previous two years, i.e. 2020-21. This year also has reminded us of the importance of health, family, relations, saving money, and building a support system. The world has learned that one should live in the present moment only because life is very unpredictable and nothing is certain about the future. Everything in the world and in life is temporary. The bad time also taught people a lot about kindness, living together, helping each other, seeking help from each other, and being compassionate. In the time of the pandemic, even new-age kids who couldn’t think ahead of pizza and burgers learned that natural living, Ayurveda, and centuries-old Indian food have the power to heal. We are aware now that to build immunity, one can rely on coarse grains, vegetables, and fruits. Vegetarian food is the main diet of human beings. Killing and eating animals is not real human behaviour. The bad time also explained the increasing pressure on the Earth’s atmosphere and the importance of water, forest, land, and wild animals and birds. We are aware that health is the real wealth. Therefore, make a resolution not to eat junk food for the next year. You can plan a trip to natural places. You can start saving money for your future needs and emergencies. You can work on a plan to spend more time with your family.
Narvijay Yadav is a senior Journalist & Columnist. Views are personal
Email: narvijayindia@gmail.com