Share market investor Rakesh Jhunjhunwala, one of India’s 100 richest people, passed away recently, but the tales of his ingenuity remain in constant discussion. The big bull of the share market used to say that even if he had a tenth of his current wealth, he would still live in the same ordinary house, and drive the same car. There is a curiosity in everyone’s mind about the living style of the richest and most wealthy people in the world, and what kind of life these people must be leading in their homes. How do they live and how do they spend time with their children? In view of this curiosity, Forbes magazine has released a list that reveals the lifestyle and likes and dislikes of the top billionaires of the world.
The Forbes report on the lifestyle of the wealthiest people states that Bill Gates prefers to wash the utensils himself after having dinner. Amazon founder Jeff Bezos has a similar habit, he likes to cook and wash dishes at home. Both the billionaires have the same explanation they want to set an example in front of their children so that they do not get spoiled and do not become careless in the pursuit of money and wealth. They should understand the value of money and not take any work as small. However, a surprising fact also came to the fore that none of these billionaires likes to do laundry.
In the case of India, it is a well-known fact that Mrs. Sudha Murthy, wife of Infosys founder Narayan Murthy, prefers to clean the toilet herself. She has no qualms about doing household chores. In the house, both the husband and wife live in a simple way and lead a very simple life. Forbes magazine usually releases an annual list of the world’s richest businessmen. Along with this, the magazine also publishes various types of surveys on the habits of the richest people. In the survey of the household habits of the billionaires, 65 of the world’s richest people were included. More than half of these said that they spend their free time with family members and children. They like to play with their children, spend time together, cook for them, and do small tasks happily.
It is said that humility is the first condition to being a great leader. Whether you want to be successful in life or business, humility is a good habit to follow. Legendary author Gene Collins studied several successful CEOs in the business world and found that they all had two traits in common – humility and a strong will. The two qualities seem to contradict each other, but they are not. The world salutes the humble and down-to-earth leaders. Anand Mahindra, chairman of the Mahindra Group, says his company employs thousands of people with higher qualifications, including engineers, scientists, and economic experts. He says that he simply leads them and never pretends that he knows everything. Working as a humble leader is what makes Anand Mahindra great.
For success and good health, the most important thing after a healthy and balanced meal is adequate and sound sleep. A lot of people have this misconception that sleeping less can lead to more success. These people are spoiling their health by doing overwork. Research says that those who get busy with 4 hours of sleep start getting old 10 years before the time. In such a situation, the right solution is to sleep and wake up at a certain time and there should be a fixed sleeping routine. At least 7 to 8 hours of sound sleep is required for adults. During sound sleep, the damaged cells of the body are reconstructed and the body gets energized. That is why adequate sleep is necessary to fully recharge the body and mind.
Aging also comes faster by eating excessively, consuming more sugar or salt, or having foods made from refined flour (maida). The reason for this is that foods made from refined flour and fried in refined oil draw nutrients from the body for their absorption, which leads to a deficiency of vitamins and minerals in the body. Due to this, the body starts aging quickly. Aging also comes quickly due to overeating, frequent eating, and eating unhealthy foods, because these things increase obesity. Excess obesity increases the risk of diabetes and cardiovascular diseases. Therefore, for healthy aging, it is necessary that food should be eaten in moderation, the amount of refined flour, sugar, and salt should be moderate, and at least 8 hours of sound sleep should be taken every day. Sleeping early at night and getting up early in the morning, eating healthy food, as well as exercising for at least 2 hours per week are essential requirements to stay healthy. Research says that if someone is not able to exercise every day, but if s/he does the same exercise for 2 hours a week, then also the benefits remain the same.
The author is a senior journalist and columnist. views are personal
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