Congress workers are definitely disappointed but not hopeless says  Kumari Selja

*Now the party needs to think and not worry

Chandigarh: All India Congress General Secretary, former Union Minister and Sirsa MP Kumari Selja said that everyone was hopeful that the Congress government will be formed but the party high command is watching what happened. The workers are definitely disappointed with the defeat but are not hopeless. The party is not worrying but is thinking deeply on this. She said that the identity of workers is the organization, which was not there for the last 10-12 years. Now the fact finding committee will go among the workers and search for the reasons of defeat, after this the high command will take a decision only on the report of the committee.

While talking to the media, Kumari Selja said that Congress has lost, no one had thought that there was full hope of forming the government, there are many reasons for victory and defeat, the review of the reasons for defeat is going on, the party will take feedback from everyone, only after that something can be said. On the question of whether EVMs were the reason for the defeat, she said that the party has raised this issue before the Election Commission, now it remains to be seen what action the commission takes on this. On whether there is going to be any change in the state organization, she said that she cannot say anything about this, it is all a matter of the high command’s jurisdiction. In the Congress meeting, on the defeat, Rahul Gandhi had said that this defeat was due to internal rift and he had expressed a lot of displeasure over this, but she said that these are unsaid things, no such statement has come from Rahul Gandhi.

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In response to whether the absence of an organization was also a reason for the defeat, she said that it is necessary to have an organization because organization is the identity of the workers, Congress did not have an organization from the state level to the block level, the party’s work is done through the organization, the workers get recognition, the workers are definitely upset about the defeat. The Congress was in the opposition for ten years and will again sit in the opposition for the next five years, in such a situation what will happen to the workers, in response to this he said that politics is the name of struggle, whatever shortcomings there were we will remove them, we will connect the people with Congress for five years, we will raise our voice against the anti-people policies of the government. The job of the opposition is to protect the interests of the people. He said that the BJP government is being formed but the BJP will have to work on the ground, people should not be troubled in its rule, public problems should be solved.

On the question of whether the elections in Haryana took a caste colour, she said that Congress is a party of 36 communities, it takes everyone along. But some things happen socially. Congress is brainstorming on all matters. She said that a fact finding committee is being formed by the high command to find out the reasons for the defeat. In response to a question, she said that what was the wish of the people of Haryana, what was shown to them, what was the reaction of the people, this also has to be seen. On a question, she said that the workers are disappointed with the defeat but are not disheartened. It is not easy to sit in the opposition for ten years, but the workers worked very hard for which she thanks the workers. The workers will work again with new zeal and enthusiasm. Some Congress candidates allege that they have not lost but have been defeated, but she said that everyone has their own experiences, everyone contests elections only to win.

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