COVID-19 “No need to panic for essential drugs”

Mohali; China Import cuts cause drug crunch in Punjab”, the Punjab Health Systems Corporation which is a nodal agency for procurement of medicines for the Government Hospitals in the State of Punjab clarified, that presently there is no such crisis. Stocks of approximately 3 months requirements are available at Drug Warehouses & Hospitals for most of the important essential drugs.
The matter is being closely watched by the authorities in the Health Department of the state so as to ensure supply of sufficient essential drugs. Therefore in the present scenario there is no need to panic regarding availability of important essential drugs in the Government Hospitals in the State. The Regulatory authorities of the State as well as procurement agency are monitoring the situation closely and taking all the necessary steps to ensure availability of adequate stock of important essential drugs at Government Hospitals in the State.

See also  WHO calls for more research on asymptomatic transmission of COVID-19

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