Plywood Industry demand govt. help to save employment of 16 Lakh workers

Published Date: 19-04-2020 | 4:07 pm

President of All India Plywood Manufacturing Association  Devinder
Chawla demanded government to save 60 lakh crore turnover collapsing
plywood industry having nearly 3300 manufacturing units in the country
providing employment to nearly 16 lakh workers adversely affected due
to lock down declared by government in the country due to corona virus
spread. He said, this agro-based industry provided full salaries to
employees during the month March this year in-spite of facing drastic
slump since past few years although there was no production as well as
sale due to closure of production due to lock down since after March
21, 2020 as such financial condition of large number of industrial
units became bad to worst and in case immediate support will not be
provided to this dooming industry it would completely collapse in the
absence of working capital.
Chawla said that government should inject energy in the arms of dyeing
MSME industry providing relief in loan payments to banks as well as
other financial institutions suggesting help in getting loans from the
banks on government guarantee, relief in GST return and income tax
payment, besides waiving of penalties at this critical stage when
factories are lying closed. Chawla said, Yamunanagar is biggest
plywood manufacturing centre in Asia need concession in power tariff
like other states including Punjab, Rajasthan, Himachal and Gujarat.
Chawla said, none of country across the world would now like to import
plywood from China after recent epidemic outbreak corona virus and its
right time for Indian plywood industry to capture worldwide export
markets on the basis of quality superior than plywood manufactured in
China. Chawla said that in case Indian plywood industry will not be
given relief and beneficial packages large number of industrial units
in the country would be closed down and nearly 10 lakh workers
employed in this industry would become jobless because this is only
agro-based industry in the country likely to adversely affect the
chain of farmers, transporters and chemical manufacturers.
Association president in a letter to industry minister has demanded
relief to keep alive this sinking industry by providing rebate on
electricity charges as well as fixed charges for at least coming three
months, industries should be allowed to retain 50% amount of GST for
next 12 months, postpone payment towards monthly loan instalments to
banks for a period of six months, withdraw penalties in case of delay
on all types of payments till situation improves, government should
bear amount of Provident Fund and employees insurance scheme at least
for a period of six months and should allow 50% rebate on amount of
house tax on industries.

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