Ambala: Drugs of value worth Rs 34.50 seized by police in Ambala division was inspected at the police godown (Malkhana) prior to destroying the same jointly by a committee comprising of IGP Ambala Division Sibas Kabiras, Surinder Singh Bhoria and Tajat Gulia DSP in the presence of senior police officers in the division. DCP Ambala Bhoria said that the stocks of drugs were seized from the drug smugglers and suppliers during raids in 117 cases registered under NDPS Act, which will be destroyed shortly.
Drugs seized by the police included 5 quintal 593 gm’Chura-post’ seized in 25 cases, ‘Sulpha’ seized in a case, 6 kg 788 gm ‘Charas’ seized in six cases, 28 kg 85 gm ‘ganja’ seized in eight cases, 4 kg 65 gm Heroin seized in 44 cases, 28 kg 772 gm opium seized in 22 cases and huge quantity of intoxicated tablets, capsules and injection of total value of srocks worth Rs 34.50 crore. According to information ‘Panchayat’ of two villages Matehri Jattan. and Behbool Pur in Ambala district have been declared drugs-free and campaign against drugs smuggling and the sale has been launched by DGP Haryana in Ambala district.