Efforts to develop agriculture sector similar to trade & industry in the country

Published Date: 06-10-2021 | 6:27 am


Agriculture sector has been functioning like heart and soul of body since after independence of our country, but unfortunately due to erratic policies and effect of vote bank by political parties in opposition it has started moving towards disaster as a result farmers instead of working in agriculture field are sitting on protest ‘dharna’ since past several months on roads and public places under the influence of political parties in opposition and anti-social elements causing lot of inconvenience and financial loss to public for their self vested interest.

Information reveals, since past few years per capita income of a farmer fast declining as compared to a labourer. According to available data, monthly income of an average Indian farmer family was Rs 3081 in 2012-13 which increased to Rs 3798 after six years in 2018-19. On the other hand, monthly income of an ordinary labourer increased from Rs 2071 to Rs 4063 per month in past six years as such per capita income of a labourer witnessed much increase as compared to a farmer.

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Information also reveals,  there were nearly nine crore families in the country in agriculture sector during 2012-13 and the number increased to 9.3 crore after six years in 2018-19 with a meagre rise, whereas  in case of  labourer families the number increased from 6.6 crore to 8 crore in this period which clearly indicates that the number of farmers fast reducing as compared to labourers. A study reveals, young generation in rural areas belonging to families in agriculture sector are losing interest in agriculture profession and switching over to employment sector as such crop area too fast reducing in the country since past some time. According to 2011 census report, nearly 2000 farmers are leaving agriculture profession every day switching over to alternate professions.

Information further reveals, a farmer family on an average was under debt for amount worth Rs 47000 in 2012-13, whereas it increased to Rs 74121 after a period of six years. A study reveals that firms dealing in the field of agriculture products and food products business are earning handsome profits because at the time of arrival of new crops  the prices witness drop and later on the traders holding stocks earn handsome profit. Ruling government in the country had introduced three new agriculture laws in order to increase farmers income selling their agriculture crop direct to bulk consumers as well as manufacturers of food products enabling to get rid of middlemen, besides selling their crop to government agencies at minimum support price fixed by the government for which Electronic Marketing and Kisan Rail Service was also introduced enabling farmers to sell out their crop directly to big consumers, but entire scheme was hi-jacked by handful of big farmers as well as political parties in opposition for their self-vested interest.

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There was ample potato crop during this year in Gujarat state and farmers were not in a position to sell their crop when 248 ton potatoes were despatched to Bihar through Kisan Rail Service st much higher prices. Similarly, onion crop from Maharashtra state was supplied to West Bengal and northern states in the country to bring more margin to growers. A survey also reveals that farmers are now changing their crop pattern preferring to cultivate fruits, flowers and vegetables in order to earn much more profits as compared to wheat, paddy and other crops.  A study reveals that after China our country is ranking second highest position having 12.6% share in production of fruits and 14% share in production of vegetables in the world due to fast changing lifestyle in people.   

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