FCI inspects the condition of godowns & takes corrective action to ensure their storage worthiness

Published Date: 16-03-2021 | 4:14 pm

Food Corporation of India (FCI) inspects the condition of their godown on periodical basis and takes corrective action such as repair & renovation to ensure the storage worthiness of godowns.  However, details of the part capacity in some of the godowns which requires major renovation or have been categorized as “End of life Godown” are as under:-



Region Name of the Godown Capacity (MT)
1. Punjab FSD Bhagsar 8,836
2. Haryana MRM Karnal 4,000
3.   Faridabad 20,000
4. Andhra Pradesh FSD Palakole 10,000
5.   MD Vizag 5,000
6. Chennai FSD Avadi (3 godowns) 9,900
7. Maharashtra FSD Manmad 15,378
    FSD Borivali 12,594
  Total 85,708

Central Warehousing Corporation (CWC) does not have any dilapidated warehouse. However, unstorage worthy capacity of 41300 MT at CWC Godowns are earmarked for major repairs.

Silos/Conventional Godowns have been planned in place of dilapidated godowns, End-of-Life godowns, CAP complexes and on vacant land of FCI. The details are as under:

 (1)    Railway siding silos at 8 locations with capacity of 3.50 LMT have been awarded / are under consideration.

(2)    Under the proposed Hub & Spoke model silos at 7 locations with capacity of 3.375 LMT have been identified.

 In order to upgrade and modernize the storage facilities, Government of India has chalked out an Action Plan for construction of steel silos on PPP (Public Private Partnership) mode in the country. Silos with capacity of 30.75 LMTare at various locations have been awarded. Out of which a capacity of 8.25 LMT is complete and remaining is under various stages of development. Further, silo capacity of 35.875 LMT in PPP mode is proposed under Hub & Spoke model.

Modernization of existing conventional godowns are being done by incorporating the provision of Cement Concrete Roads, Colour coated  profile sheet roofing and other Annual repair and maintenance work in Food storage Godowns.

CWC takes up regular repair/ maintenance & upgradation of warehouses. Some of initiatives for modernization are: a) Galvalume sheets in place of asbestos. b) Translucent sheets for lighting. c) Turbo ventilators. d) Cement roads, etc.

This information was given in a written reply by the Union Minister of State for Consumer Affairs, Food and Public Distribution, Danve Raosaheb Dadarao in Lok Sabha today.

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