FIR registered against the girl for performing Yoga postures in the Golden Temple complex

Amritsar : Police on the complaint filed by Shiromani Gurdwara Parbandhak Committee (SGPC) has registered FIR for willfully hurting the religious sentiments of the community.

According to police an FIR has been  registered against the Girl Archana Makwana resident of Baroda, Gujarat for hurting the sentiments of the community as she has allegedly performed Yoga postures in the Golden Temple Complex  (Sikh shirne) which was deadly against the Sikh tenets.

Police said that an FIR has been registered in this regard under section of 295-A IPC for willfully hurling insult to worship place of religious community.

However, on Saturday June 22, 2024, the Shiromani Gurdwara Parbandhak Committee (SGPC) had taken strict notice of a girl for doing Yoga postures inside Prakrama (circumambulation) at Sachkhand Sri Harimandar Sahib and made viral her photo through her social media accounts and has sent a complaint to the Police Commissioner for taking action against her.

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In this regard, the SGPC President Harjinder Singh Dhami had issued orders to take action against three employees of Prakrama for not performing their duties diligently. 

The SGPC President Dhami said that no one can be allowed to act against Sikh conduct at Sachkhand Sri Harmandar Sahib, but some people deliberately ignore the sanctity and historical importance of this holy place and commit objectionable acts. He said that Sikh sentiments and Maryada have been hurt by the act done by a girl recently, so a complaint has been filed to the police.

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Dhami appealed to the Sangat that Sachkhand Sri Harmandar Sahib has great reverence in the entire Sikh world and at the same time pilgrims belonging to every religion and class of the country and the world come here to pay obeisance with reverence, seeing that the Maryada (conduct) of this place should be followed.

Sharing more information, General Manager of Darbar Sahib Bhagwant Singh Dhangera said that on Friday a girl named Archana Makwana had spread her photo on her social media account by doing Yoga postures in the Prakrama of Sachkhand Sri Harmandar Sahib. He said after verifying the incident from the CCTV cameras, it was revealed that this act was carried out by the girl for only about 5 seconds, for which two of the three employees have been initially suspended for negligence and one has been fined Rs 5000 along with his transfer to Gurdwara Garhi Sahib Gurdas Nangal. He said that the girl’s act has hurt the sentiments of the Sikhs and Sangat, due to which a police complaint has been filed against the girl. 

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