Gian Jyoti Institute of Management & Technology Celebrates “International Yoga Day”              

Published Date: 21-06-2022 | 3:47 pm

Gian Jyoti Institute of Management & Technology celebrated “INTERNATIONAL YOGA DAY” at its Campus on 21st June 2022 with great zeal and fervor. All the students and faculty members participated in ancient spiritual discipline. This whole event was organized through the audio-visual clips of a renowned Yoga Guru under the supervision of YOGA Professionals. All the participants were fully dressed up in cotton-blend white t-shirts and pants.

The activity started at 10:00 am followed by Yoga Asana such as Surya Namaskar, Chakrasana, Tadasana etc. The morning was continued with Yoga –Pranayama. Respected Chairman,  J.S. Bedi addressed and encouraged the students and staff for promoting such events. He said that YOGA is not about exercise but to discover the sense of oneness with ourselves, the world and Nature. By changing our lifestyle and creating consciousness, it can help us to deal with climate change. The Director of the Institute, Dr.Aneet Bedi, said that at the physical level, yoga and its cleansing practices have proven to be extremely effective for various disorders which help the individual to transcend the self and attain the enlightenment. Apart from this Yoga promotes self-healing, enhances personal power, helps in attention, focus and concentration and reduces stress and tension which is very beneficial for all. It is magnificent that June 21 marks this momentous event in the history of humanity.”

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