Haryana ranking at third position in wheat production

Published Date: 10-04-2021 | 1:28 pm


 In-spite of farmers protest going on since a long time, majority of real farmers in Haryana state are busy in harvesting wheat crop these days. According to state government information nearly 142000 Metric Ton (MT) wheat has already been procured by government agencies in 400 grain markets in Haryana state till April 8 and out of total expected production of nearly 125 lakh MT wheat crop in Haryana state this season nearly 85 lakh MT wheat is expected to arrive in grain markets in the state and to be lifted by government agencies till May 15 this year. Most of the wheat harvested by farmers is under the process of drying in agriculture fields now to be accepted by government agencies moisture free up to 12% this year as against 14% in previous years as per directions by Food Corporation of India.

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According to Haryana state government information, farmers bringing wheat crop tor sale in grain markets in the state will have to register themselves on portal ‘Meri Fasal Mera Byora’ when invitation will be sent to them for sale in the grain market. According to revised notification, the payment to the farmers supplied wheat to the government agencies will be remitted in their bank account without any deduction towards commission to the agent as farmers had to pay in past within 48 hours after release of form ‘J’, failing which an interest at the rate 9% p.a. will be paid to the farmers supplied wheat. Government has decided to pay amount towards commission at the rate Rs 40 each quintal wheat supplied by the farmers directly to commission agent also and the farmers will no longer remain under the influence of commission agents..

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According to a state government spokes person government has decided to issue temporary licenses to enable farmer groups to procure wheat stocks from   farmers directly. He told that a state wide protest against new rules in the state grain markets was launched by the commission agents, which has now been solved when state government announced that commission on procurement of wheat by the government will be permissible to all registered commission agents in the grain markets as earlier. He said, new Haryana state government policy will benefit not only commission agents but also farmers having no deduction towards commission paid to commission agent, will get payment through their bank accounts without delay and will not remain dependant on commission agents.

Information reveals, Haryana state ranking at third position in production of wheat crop in India, whereas U.P possessing 33% share in wheat production in the country and Punjab state identified ranking at first and second positions in the country. Information also reveals, India holds 13% share in total production of wheat in the world. Among prominent districts producing wheat in Haryana state include Karnal, Kurukshetra, Ambala, Yamunanagar, Sonepat, Rohtak Sirsa and Faridabad. Information also reveals that automatic machines for loading wheat crop in trucks and tractor trolleys immediately has been sent to grain markets in the state to avoid delay in lifting stocks. There are sufficient arrangements for storage of 65 lakh MT wheat in the grain markets in the state.

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