Panchkula: While talking to media persons Shatrujit Kapoor Director General Police said that the state police saved amount worth Rs 268 crore cheated by cyber ‘thugs’ during year 2024 and has topped in recoveries in the country, whereas during the previous year 2023 amount worth Rs 77 crore was recovered. DGP Kapoor said that during 2024 Haryana police arrested 5156 cyber criminals in 5511 cases registered in the year, which included 3555, nearly 70 per cent, cyber criminals residing in other states, on an average 14 cyber ‘thugs’ were arrested everyday by Haryana cyber crime police. Close up of hands typing on laptop. Night work concept.
DGP Kapoor disclosed that during the year 2022, Haryana state police had arrested 1078 cyber criminals in 2165 cases registered in the state during the year, while 1909 cyber criminals were arrested in 2747 cases registered in 29 cyber police stations in the state during the year 2023. DGP disclosed that decision has been taken for the refund of amount cheated by cyber ‘thugs’ at an early, enabling victims not to waste time in registering FIRs with police station and visiting courts for a long time for the recovery of cheated amount, since such cases will be dealt with ‘Lok Adalats’ quickly.
DGP Kapoor advised people not to pick up telephone or mobile phone call arriving from abroad and at the same time also ignore threatening calls received from the caller identifying himself a police, CBI or Enforcement Department officer threatening for digital arrest, since none of the agency as well as a police officer is liable to make such threats on the telephone. DGP warned to be careful about the attractive offers received on internet media platforms regarding fake share trading offers, part time jobs, gift offers or attractive financial gain offers to cheat innocent people.