Health department tem Ambala busted Gender test racket

Team of Health Department Ambala comprising PNDT Act nodal officer Dr Balwinder Kaur, Dr Hitarth, Dr Vipin Bhandari, Lalit Jindal and Devender Hooda raided an registered ultrasound centre opposite the Ambala Cantonment Sadar Municipal Council during raid busted an alleged pre-natal sex determination racket and arrested a tout tout, Manoj a Class IV employee of the Civil Hospital, Ambala City., whereas his accomplish another tout identified as Kumar an  employee of a private hospital, who managed to escape.

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Dr Hitarth said, following a tip-off that a Class IV employee of the Civil Hospital, Ambala City and another former Class IV employee of the hospital are involved in running the racket to determine sex of unborn child in pregnants, a decoy was arranged and deal was finalized at Rs 45,000. The sex determination test was conducted at the centre. After getting a signal, a raid was conducted by the health department team at the ultrasound centre.

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Manoj was nabbed, whereas his accomplish another tout managed to escape. Efforts are being made to trace absconding tout. Information reveals that his job was terminated due to similar complaints against him in the past also. A complaint has been registered at the police station in this connection.

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