India has missed being a destination for the new generation computer chips, though may be having an initial edge over in the development of softwares even with a few countries in Europe and in some sectors with the US and China. With the US already announcing a new Chip driven by the particles akin to Boson-Higgs or the divine particle, perhaps, a few weeks before the Chinese announcement in this regard. It, according to the industries’ sources, could be imminent.
India already has missed the opportunity to be on the front row of this sensitive field. It may be recalled that the divine particle was first discovered by an Indian scientist, Satyendra Nath Bose. Later, this theory was validated by others.
Instead, India appears to be struggling for setting up production of semiconductor chips, already dated in this highly competitive field.
In other words, India is going to be dumped with redundant technologies, especially in the computer hardware.
If the current establishment in New Delhi had cared to make India a part of the select countries to lead technologies in this sensitive field, she, perhaps, did have missed the opportunity to join the exclusive club of the technology- rich countries. It, thus, has missed an expected trillion-dollar business, and perhaps soon will be competing with countries like Pakistan and and a few countries in Africa.
Just a decade before, India was one of the leaders in the high-tech field of software development. She was also keen to become a hub of the state-of -the-art technology in the field of computer hardware. However, with recent breakthroughs in computer chip technology in the US, India’s bid to become self-sufficient in the field of computer hardware has received a setback.Also, in recent years, India is being overtaken in software development by China, and also perhaps, by South Korea. It may be noted that India had already emerged as a formidable force in the development of software technologies before 2014, more specifically before the reign of Prime Minister Narendra Modi.
Only Blame Game: It may be denied by the present ruling elite for its inability to prepare the country for her to qualify to join and graduate in higher sciences and technologies. However, even within the BJP, a few may agree to condone Modi for this pathetic situation. He cannot deny that during the past 10 years, he has successfully diverted the country’s goal from achieving a scientific outlook to become a nation of pilgrims or devouts in quest of better life after death.
Unaware of Bitter Truths: It is also possible that the present rulers may not be aware of the bitter truths of history that Babur had defeated much larger forces of the Lodhis in the battle of Panipat on 21 April 1526. He was able to trounce the Delhi sultanate forces with his soldiers equipped with guns and artillery laden with gunpowder. Interestingly, Babur had obtained gunpowder from China.
In other words, even today rulers in New Delhi are unable to comprehend that by conceding Chinese supremacy even in the fields of computers and softwares, India’s defences are being compromised.
It may be recalled that the Chinese tech-giant,Huawei, had reportedly assisted Pakistan with its software for updating the firepower of the Pakistan Air Force. It is being suspected, but never confirmed, that the Chinese software was used in hitting the Indian fighter plane, MIG-19 Bison on 27 February 2019 during Modi’s
much-trumpeted surgical operation against the hideouts of the Islamic terrorists in the Pak-occupied Jammu and Kashmir, thus causing embarrassment to India.
Before 2014, more specifically before the arrival of Modi in India’s political scene, the Indian technology in these crucial fields, specially in the computer software and space technologies had an edge over with her northern neighbour China, according to a senior BJP leader, who had held key portfolios in the Atal Bihari Vajpayee government.
Asked how many marks he would like to give, he bemoaned that “ the marks are given only when something is written in the answer sheet, but it could not be applied in the case of the present government”.He, however, refused to elaborate further.
New Chip: The recent announcement of Microsoft to introduce the Majorana1 chip, which is expected to revolutionize the present computing system, has brought paradigm changes in the present computer operating system.
It is stated that it is a breakthrough not only in terms of technology, but also redefines the traditional approach towards the matter whether it is solid, liquid or plasma. It is to be defined for common people what sort of semiconductor platform it would be offering .
It is also stated that Majorana1 is a particle akin to anti-matter, but more details are being awaited. For most of us, it could be resembling the Higgs -Boson particle discovered in 2012. In fact, it was visualized by Bose, later it was validated at CERN, and those associated with the experiment were awarded nobel prize.
China Smiles: There was no immediate reaction from Beijing to the announcement of Microsoft’s top executive, Satya Nadela, but insiders believe that a Chinese version of this chip could be announced soon.
The scholars, who have keenly observed these developments in New Delhi, believe that with the invention of the new chip, Indians have to invest in Windows 12. The present hardware is likely to become redundant. Asked how India should face the new challenge, the experts observed that it is the result of self-aggrandizing based on false beliefs.
Unless corrective steps were not resorted to for improving our perspective and national goals, India’s prospects in this lucrative business are doomed, they stated.
Gopal Misra has been associated with national and international media. His books on journalism and geo-politics have been well-appreciated. Views are personal.