Jamaat-e-Islami Hind condemns Israeli barbarism in Gaza

New Delhi  : The President of Jamaat-e-Islami Hind (JIH), Syed Sadatullah Husaini has condemned the latest Israeli attack on Gaza. In a statement to the media, the JIH President said: “We condemn the latest Israeli barbarism in Gaza. Taking the excuse of carrying out a targeted killing, the Israeli Defence Forces attacked Gaza’s Rafah refugee camp in which 43 civilians were killed including 15 children and four women. More than 300 Palestinians have been wounded. We endorse the statement of the UN Special Rapporteur on the occupied Palestinian territories who said that: “Israel cannot claim that it’s defending itself in this conflict. Israel’s air raids in Gaza are not only illegal but irresponsible.” In fact, we feel that these attacks on innocent civilians amount to war crimes, and Israel must be held accountable and punished by the international community for this unforgivable brutality.”

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Syed Husaini averred: “Is it not hypocrisy and professing double standards for Western nations to condone the latest Israeli barbarism and stark abuse of human rights by saying that “they stand by Israel and it’s right to defend itself”. This not only exposes the complete bias of the West in the Israel-Palestine conflict but also puts a question mark on the integrity and sincerity of the West in desiring an early resolution to the Palestinian problem. Jamaat-e-Islami Hind appeals to the international community as well as the Government of India to pressurize Israel to desist from such open aggression on Palestinians and spare the world of further conflict and violence.”

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