Safety, sustainability should be key pillars of a dam: Expert

Chandigarh:  15th November, 2018, BBMB organized a Lecture on Modern Dam Safety Concepts and Sustainability on this occasion Dr. Martin Wieland, Chairman, Committee on Seismic Aspects of Dam Design, International Commission on Large Dams (ICOLD), Zurich, Switzerland delivered an enlightening presentation on Modern Dam Safety Concepts and Sustainability.

Dr. Martin Wieland was also the Chairman of the Earthquake Committee of the Swiss Dam Society. He is a senior dam and earthquake expert at Poyry Switzerland Ltd. in Zurich, Switzerland, wherein he has been involved in the seismic safety evaluation of some of the world’s largest dams and other major infrastructure projects. He was also a member of the panel of experts for the 230 m high Karun 4 and the 203 m high Dez arch dams in Iran, the 195m high Sogamoso concrete faced rockfill dam in Colombia, and many others. He was also the advisor for the newly established Dam Safety Directorate of the Government of Ethiopia, the country with the largest dams and largest dam construction activities of Africa.

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In his presentation, Dr. Martin narrated various aspects of Integral Dam Safety concepts including Structural Safety, Flood Safety, Earthquake & operational safety. He also described about the Risk Classification of the Dams and Dam’s Instrumentation. He also gave details of various risks involved in dam design as well as operation and maintenance of high dams.

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