NCRB Report: Drug addiction, HIV positive cases rising in 8 Haryana districts

Published Date: 29-05-2022 | 5:37 am

Earlier, Punjab state was leading for increasing cases of drug addiction among youths in the country in both rural as well as urban areas, but now youths in Haryana state especially in about eight districts Sirsa neighbouring Punjab state has left youths in Punjab state far behind, followed by other districts in Haryana state Fatehabad, Jind, Hisar, Kaithal, Rohtak, Gurugram and Ambala where situation is turning bad to worst since past few years.

According to recent National Crime Bureau (NCB} report, a survey was conducted in worst affected Sirsa district in Haryana state where consumption of heroine was found maximum in youths, followed by use of other drugs: charas, sulpha and opium. There were many cases in which youths from both sexes were found injecting drugs in their body using a common syringe giving rise to dreaded infectious diseases ike HIV, AIDS, Hepatitis C and Hepatitis B in youths including teenagers between age 13 to 16. Survey report also revealed that more than 50% females residing in girl hostels and PG houses were found taking drugs. NCB survey in worst affected Sirsa district revealed that out of 58 persons found suffering from HIV diseases included three youths of age between 13 and 16. Among these 23 persons were found suffering from Hepatitis C and two persons suffering from hepatitis B.

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NCB survey report further revealed that 898 patients suffering from HIV/AIDS and Hepatitis were having treatment in OST centre at the Civil Hospital Sirsa, of them 35 patients suffering from drug addiction reported died due to having excessive dose of drugs and 59 patients had already left town. Information further reveals that in past five months with effect from month January this year as many as 23  Hepatitis C and two Hepatitis B positive new patients were admitted in Civil Hospital Sirsa which included seven patients in month January, 9 patients in month February, 4 patients in month March, 5 patients in month April and two patients in month May this year.

The Financial World while having a detailed talk with Dr Pankaj Sharma in-charge Drug De-addiction Centre in Civil Hospital Sirsa was told that 10095 patients including 6494 male and 3601 females suffering from drug addiction visited OPD for the treatment so far during year 2022 which included 191 patients (160 male and 31 female) admitted In Patient Department (IPD) having 34 patients each admitted during months January and February this year, 31 patients admitted in month March this year, 44 patients admitted in month April this year and 28 patients admitted in month May this year. Past five years scenario of Drug De-addiction Centre Sirsa reveals that 18551 patients suffering from drug addiction visited OPD and 649 patients were admitted in IPD in the year 2018, 28283 drug addict patients visited OPD and 863 patients were admitted in IPD in the year 2019, 21714 drug addicts visited OPD and 263 patients were admitted in IPD in the year 2020, 17135 patients visited OPD and 391 patients admitted in IPD in the year 2021 and during current year 2022 till month May as many as 10021 persons suffering from drug addiction visted OPD and 191 patients were admitted in IPD.

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Dr Pankaj Sharma disclosed that most of female drug addict youths were found mentally retarded or physically handicapped and started taking drugs in because of depression and were brought to Drug De-addiction Centre by social welfare organizations. Many of them were found injecting drugs in their body through syringe. Three among patients brought to Drug De-addiction Centre Sirsa were found of age between 13 and 14. He said, increasing cases of HIV/AIDS and Hepatitis diseases among drug addicts detected in young females and minors of age between 13 and 15 is a matter of deep concern which is generally due to use of a single syringe by several drug addicts while injecting drug in their arms.  

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