NCRB Report: Murder, kidnap, rape and suicide cases increasing

Published Date: 05-09-2022 | 3:17 pm

According to National Crime Report Bureau (NCRB) recent report cases of murder, kidnapping, rape and suicide has witnessed fast increase in our country since past couple of years. According to information, 29272 murder cases were registered in the country in 2021 as compared to 29193 cases registered during previous year 2020 thus on an average 92 murder cases were reported daily. The number of murder cases ware identified maximum in five states in the country identified as 3825 persons were killed in 3717 murder cases registered in Utter Pradesh , 2826 persons were killed in 2799 murder cases registered in Bihar, 2381 persons killed in 2330 murder cases in Maharashtra,  2075 persons killed in 2034 murder cases in Madhya Pradesh and 1919 persons killed in 1884 murder cases registered in Bengal.

As regard kidnappings, police registered 1,01,707 cases registered in the country during year 2021 having number of victims recorded as 98,860 as against 84,805  kidnapping cases registered in 2020. According to the report, among those kidnapped included 69,014 children comprising of 10956 male and 58,058 female child, 35135 adults which included 6649 male and 28485 female. In case of kidnapping cases Delhi topped having registered 5527 cases in various police stations with number of victims identified as 5888. The total number of kidnapping cases registered in U.P was identified as 14,554 in U.P, 10198 in Bihar and 10502 in Maharashtra.

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According to NCRB report, 28046 rape cases were registered in the country in year 2020 and number of such cases increased to 31677 in year 2021 on an average 65 rape cases reported daily. As regard registration of crimes against women, drastic increase in such cases was witnessed in a year when as against 3,71,503  crime cases against women registered during 2020 and number of these cases increased to 4,28, 278 in 2021 on an average 49 cases were registered  every hour. Utter Pradesh, Rajasthan, Maharashtra, Bengal, Assam and Odisha were some of the states had maximum number of crimes against women cases.

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The number of rape cases registered during year 2021 was 6637 cases in Rajasthan, 2947 cases in Madhya Pradesh, 2496 cases in Maharashtra, 2845 cases in U.P and 1250 cases at Delhi. Information reveals, the number of actual rape cases is much higher as compared to the complaints lodged with police stations by victims as well as their family not willing mishap to be exposed. Sources reveal that nearly 49 rapes were held in an hour in the country during year 2021 having maximum number of cases reported in Rajasthan followed by in Haryana, Delhi, Arunachal Pradesh and Chandigarh U.T.

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As regard suicides reported during year 2021 police registered 1,64,033 cases in the country, which included maximum number of cases reported at Delhi recorded 2840 cases during the year, followed by in other states Maharashtra and Tamilnadu. Information also reveals that out of total number of suicide cases reported in the country during 2021 more than 50% suicide cases were reported in Maharashtra, Tamilnadu, Madhya Pradesh, Bengal and Karnatka states.

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