Over 5,100 died in road mishaps in Haryana last year

Road Safety Campaign started in Haryana state with effect from February 4, 2019 in view of fast increasing cases of road accidents in past few years.

According to state police record as many as 5118 persons were reported died in road mishaps during the year 2018 in 10314 road accidents registered by the police in the state. The state police data reveals that 144273 road accidents were registered in the state in which 60592 persons died and 129312 persons seriously injuries in past 13 years.

According to collected year wise data with effect from January 2006 till 31st December 2018 about number of road accidents, deaths and persons sustained serious injuries in these mishaps following detail was obtained by The Financial World:

  • 4012 persons died 9118 injured in 10314 road accidents in the year 2006.
  • In the year 2007, the number of persons died in road mishap was recorded as 4415 and 10288 injured in 11998 road accidents.
  • Similarly in the year 2008, the number of persons died in road accidents was 4494 and 10570 injured in 11596 road mishaps.
  • The year 2009 witnessed 11919 road accidents in which 4603 persons died and 10481 injured.
  • In the following year, 2010 the number of persons died was 4719 and 9905 injured in 11195 road mishaps.
  • 4762 persons died and 9727 injured in 11128 road accidents in 2011.
  • The number of deaths recorded in 10065 road mishaps was identified as 4446 and 9452 injured in 2012.
  • According to survey report, 4517 persons died, 9143 injured in 10482 road mishaps in 2013.
  • In the year 2014 police registered 4483 deaths and 8944 persons reported injured in 10676 road accidents.
  • In 2015, 4879 persons died and 10794 injured in 11174 road mishaps.
  • In 2016 the number of deaths was recorded as 5074 and injured as 10531 in 11234 road accidents.
  • 5120 persons died and 10339 injured in 11258 road accidents in 2017.
  • In the year 2018, police registered 11238 road accidents in which 5118 persons died and 10020 injured.
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District wise detail of road mishaps in Haryana state was recorded as following in which Gurugram registered maximum number of road accidents in the state:

  • Gurugram: 1096 cases of road accidents were registered by the police in which 446 persons died and 1133 injured.
  • Ambala: 570 cases registered by police in which 262 persons died and 482 injured.
  • Panchkula: 229 cases registered in the district in which 105 persons died and 142 injured.
  • Yamunanagar: 489 cases registered in the district in which 284 persons died and 398 injured.
  • Kurukshertra: 556 accident cases registered in the district in which 258 persons died and 517 injured.
  • Karnal: 692 cases registered in the district in which353 persons died and 572 injured.
  • Kaithal: 330 road accidents registered in the district in whiich165 persons died and 280 injured.
  • Panipat: 583 road accident cases registered by police in the district in which 261 persons died and 446 injured.
  • Sonepat: 781 road accident cases registered in Sonepat district in which 432 persons died and 640 injured.
  • Rohtak: 473 road accidents were registered in the district in which 210 persons died and 391 injured.
  • Jhajjar: 512 road accident cases registered in the district in which 267 persons died and 445 injured.
  • Hisar: 459 accident cases registered in the district in which 152 persons died and 483 injured.
  • Hansi: 183 road accident cases registered at Hansi in which 74 persons died and 145 injured.
  • Fatehabad: 279 road mishap cases registered in which 131 persons died and 228 injured.
  • Sirsa: 297 accident cases registered at Sirsa in which 126 persons died and 280 injured.
  • Bhiwani: 469 road accidents registered in which 171 persons died and 448 injured.
  • Charkhi Dadri: 208 accident cases registered in which 98 persons died and 215 injured.
  • Jind: 399 road accidents reported in the district in which 202 persons died and 223 injured.
  • Faridabad: 679 road accidents reported to police in which 235 persons died and 635 injured.
  • Palwal: 686 road accidents registered in the district in which 211 persons died and 369 injured.
  • Rewari: 548 road accidents reported in the district in which277 persons died and 477 injured.
  • Narnaul: 427 road accidents reported in the district in which 190 persons died and 398 injured.
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Mewat: 493 road mishaps registered in the district, which recorded 214 deaths and 603 persons  injured.

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