Punjab’s Pollution Pandemic – The Dastardly Devastation of Derabassi

Derabassi, a small town in Punjab, has become a hotbed of industrial activity in recent years. With paper mills, stone crushers, and chemical factories setting up shop in the area, there has been a rapid increase in industrialization, and with it, an alarming rise in water and air pollution.

Water Pollution

The industrial activities in Derabassi have been identified as a major contributor to the pollution of water and air in the region. These factories discharge a significant amount of chemical waste into the environment and nearby farmlands, contaminating the water bodies and the air around them.

The discharge of untreated and poisonous wastewater into nearby water bodies and farmlands, especially by some huge paper mills has led to the deterioration of water quality in the area. The chemicals present in the water can harm aquatic life in the adjoining Ghagghar river and seep into the ground, contaminating groundwater sources. The discharge of these chemicals into the water bodies also contributes to the accumulation of toxins in the food chain, leading to serious health issues in humans and animals.

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Air pollution is another major concern in Derabassi. The factories emit toxic gases and particulate matter, leading to poor air quality in the surrounding areas. This can have serious consequences for the health of residents, especially those living in close proximity to the factories.

The authorities have been slow to respond to the growing problem of pollution in Derabassi. The lack of enforcement of environmental regulations has allowed factories to continue their activities without proper oversight, leading to further deterioration of the environment.

The residents of Derabassi have been forced to endure the effects of pollution caused by industrial activities in the area. Despite numerous complaints and pleas for action, the government has shown little interest in addressing the issue, leaving residents feeling helpless and abandoned.

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Many have reported health issues such as respiratory problems, skin irritation, and even cancer. The pollution has also affected the local economy, with farmers reporting a decline in crop yields due to the contamination of soil and water.

Despite these concerns, the government has failed to take any meaningful action to address the pollution. The lack of enforcement of environmental regulations has allowed factories to continue their activities without proper oversight, leading to further deterioration of the environment.

Derabassi’s MLA, Kuljit Singh Randhawa was not available to meet or comment despite repeated requests from the FW team. Some villagers claim Mr. Randhawa knows the sad state of his constituency but is yet to do anything meaningful towards containing the pollution or punishing the polluting industries.

The villagers also said on the condition of anonymity that MLA Randhawa travels throughout the constituency and knows the sad state of affairs in Derabassi. Then how can he remain quiet as if nothing ever happened.

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However, SAS Nagar District Commissioner, Ashika Jain, a dynamic IAS officer proactively promised full cooperation with FW’s investigative reporter and assured of the strictest actions against offenders as per the law of the land.  She said nobody  would escape punishment, no matter how influential or powerful the accused is.

Some locals believe that a change is only possible if the authorities, industries and the community work together to reduce pollution and ensure a safe and healthy environment for the people of Derabassi.

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