Racket dealing in fake NCERT books busted

Rohtak: Team of Chief Minister Flying Squad from Gurugram on a clue conducted raid at a books shop at Rewari while driver of a Eco Sports car supplying fake NCERT books. Arrested driver of vehicle identified as Narender Kuar a resident of village Baloud in Rohtak district told that the racket involved in supplying fake books all over in the area getting printed from Meerut operating from a godown at Naew Grain Market  on Malgodam Road Rohtak.

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Inspector Sube Singh told media persons that huge stocks of fake books along with the vehicle were seized and case registered against cheats involved in illegal printing and supply of books. The stocks of fake books were so huge police had to spend more than 18 hours in counting the stock. Officers from education department also arrived at the spot during raid.   

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