Rahul Gandhi taken contract to defame India in foreign land: Anurag Thakur

New Delhi:  Union Minister Anurag Thakur on Monday accused Congress leader Rahul Gandhi of defaming the country in a foreign land.

It appears that he has taken a contract to defame India abroad, he added.

Speaking to the media this morning, minister Thakur said, “Be it among his foreign friends, agencies or foreign land – he’s leaving no stone unturned to defame India. To hide his failures, he has taken a contract to defame India from foreign land in a planned manner”.

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He further said, “His language, thoughts & working style are suspicious. He has done it again & again…when jawans were martyred, he said, a few people were killed in a car bomb explosion.”

Other BJP leaders also slammed Gandhi over the same.

Union Minister Arjun Munda said that when Indian citizens go abroad, they feel proud to be Indians. But when opposition party leaders publicise & give statements to hurt India’s respect, it shows that they are not bothered about the country’s respect.

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