Study Report: Nearly 3.77 lakh women suffering from breast cancer in India


A study report by Rajeev Gandhi Cancer Institute & Research Centre reveals that cancer in human body starts from a part and gradually spreadd from a portion to another in the body and identified after a long time. Breast cancer is common in women usually after the age 40. In 95% cases breast cancer in women does not have any past cancer history in the family. It starts developing initially in a single cell in the breast and gradually infect surrounding cells in the area and later take shape of a tumour followed by a hard knot in the breast. A timely detection as well as treatment relieves patient from dreaded disease.

According to study report, out of total number of patients suffering from cancer disease in the country, in nearly 14% cases breast cancer is identified in women. Information reveals, nearly 3.77 lakh women in the country are suffering from breast cancer at present and this number is likely to increase to 4.27 lakh by the year 2025.. Information further reveals that out of one lakh cases of women suffering from breast cancer one fresh cases of breast cancer is being detected in women after every four minutes and a patients suffering from breast cancer dies after every 13 minutes in the country.

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According to experts, best treatment to cure breast cancer is with the help of surgery. However, Kemo-therapy, Radiation therapy and Hormone therapy are few of methods adopted for the treatment of breast cancer – the best method to cure breast cancer is timely and early detection of disease which reduces danger up to 98% in case of a breast cancer. According to medical advice, women above age 40 should have mammogram test once in a year. For self-examination of breast cancer, symptoms include feeling of a hard tumour when pressing the breast, watery discharge from nipple and swollen breast.

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According to study report, in nearly 80% cases women of age above suffer from breast cancer. There are five stages of breast cancer in which cancer cells remain inside breast ducts in the first stage, followed by second stage in which mostly tumour of size up to 2 cm develops. In stage three in most of the cases tumour appears in size ranging between 2 to 5 cm and cancer limf nodes start spreading. In stage four cancer spreads all over in the breast up to outer skin and in final stage cancer starts affecting area around breast as well as chest with number of hard tumours inside the breast.

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