Survey Report: Nearly 48% corporates suffer from mental health

Published Date: 10-01-2021 | 3:46 pm


In present busy life every person including a child, youth and an adult in any profession may be an millionaire or a poor daily wager suffer from mental t health A survey reveals, one out of the two professionals  in corporate sector as well as one among four youths between the  age 13 to 17 were found under depression and it was observed most of them were unaware  of passing through the state of mental tension, never bothered  to consult a health specialist or disclose to any one According to an educationist, youths lead virtual life on social media apart from heir actual life passing through the state of worry and decline in self respect posing as if they are leading a perfect depression-free life on social media.

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According to a Mumbai based help line working for the welfare of depressing victims they were able to receive nearly 60000 calls in a period of seven months from those seeking relief from depression faced by them, of them more than 80% calls were received from males. It was identified that among prominent signs faced by the sufferers included a feeling of insecurity, fear, lack of interest in work and lack of sleep. According to medical experts, one should consult a doctor immediately under such conditions. Depression usually occurs change in chemical structuring in the brain, environments in which living and in few cases acquired from ancestors in the family. Survey also revealed that nearly 48% corporate suffer from mental health refusing to admit that they are mentally disturbed.

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