Ambala: Haryana Home & Health MInister Anil Vij welcomed his old friend TV Star Feroz Khan played role key role of Arjun in famous TV serial Mahabhaarat when he arrived at his resident at Ambala. Feroz Khan highly apppreciated the working style as well as her performance as minister in the state. He said that he has come from Mumbai to Ambala especially to meet him as impressed by his way of working as country needs such type of sincere political leaders and told that he is known for his work even in Maharashtra state. Feroz Khan also shared his experiances while working in key role in Mahabharat serial and also invited Vij to visit Mimbai. Feroz Khan has visited Ambala a couple of time earlier also and met Vij since both are having close friendly relations since a long time
TV Star Feroz Khan appreciates the working style of Haryana Home-Health Minister Anil Vij
Published Date: 30-12-2022 | 1:25 am