Vikram Solar bags milestone  order for NLC India Limited at GSCEL’s Solar Park

Kolkata:  Vikram Solar, a leading Indian Solar Module manufacturer, has secured a 393.9 MWp module supply order for NLC India Limited at GSCEL’s Solar Park (Stage 2) in Khavda, Gujarat.

Describing this order as a significant milestone for the company, Gyanesh Chaudhary, Chairman & Managing Director, Vikram Solar, said here recently “This landmark order brings Vikram Solar’s total PV module supply contract to the Khavda Solar Park to over 1 GW, while underscoring our role in advancing the region’s renewable energy infrastructure.”

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“We aim to fulfil the 393.9 MW order with ALMM listed 580 Wp and n-Topcon bifacial modules produced at the state-of-the-art manufacturing facilities and meeting stringent internal quality standards alongside rigorous ALMM standards,” he said.

“Vikram Solar is proud to be involved in India’s unparalleled decarbonization initiative and as the nation charts a course towards a sustainable future, we are committed to architect tomorrow’s solutions and propel India to global leadership in sustainability,” he added.

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