WW-3 is Predicted : An Aggressive Kamala Harris Might Fuel Ukrainian War, Beijing Smiles

Published Date: 25-07-2024 | 1:00 am

The history of World War -II might be repeated, if one of the ardent supporters of Ukraine in the ongoing war with Russia, Kamala Harris, a Democrat nominee, is elected as the US President.

Known for her views to punish Russia for its decision to reoccupy  Cremea,  the beautiful health resort earlier gifted to Ukraine, when it was a part of the USSR, for its strong resistance to Hitler’s Germany. However, during the post 1990 years, the differences between Russia and Ukraine began with the latter becoming an independent country. Later, Ukraine had started aspiring for NATO membership knowing quite well that its closest neighbor Russia was denied entry into this defense club. It led to the parting of the ways between Russia and Ukraine, who were once under one roof, because the US and the U.K. harbor perennial misgivings, if not hatted against Moscow.

It is also believed that the Russians were provoked by the West to punish Ukraine for allowing the anti-Russian conspiracies being hatched by the CIA and the deep state  of the members of the European Union.

Unfortunately, for having anti-war views, the Republican nominee, Donald Trump and his running mate, JD Vance, neither enjoy the confidence of industrial -military outfits nor the CIA. In this context, if the Kamala Harris nomination is being hyped by a section of American media should not be surprising.

It, however, is clear that the US is not going to work for peace, if Kamala Harris occupies the Whitehouse. It is natural for the Indian establishment to be worried if the West prolongs conflicts. In the opinion of most of foreign policy and strategic affairs experts, the conflict in the long-term is going to empower China, which has recently signed a few peace or defense pacts with Central Asian countries.

Meanwhile, the prophecies of an Indian astrologer, Kushal Kumar, is often quoted in the media for predicting future incidents. He had predicted the death of an Iranian General Soleimani in 2018 , and his statement that 2024 might witness the flare-up of WW-3 is being quoted.

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It may be recalled that two years later, the Irani military general was killed in a US attack in 2020. According to Kumar in 2024, the planetary stimulus might trigger an unprecedented war.

Even if the nuclear confrontation could be averted, the continuation of the already ignited conventional wars might influence the contemporary fragile peace on the earth. It might also relegate the US from its only superpower status to become just one of the counties like its British predecessor in global politics.

Great Britain, which till WW-II ,1939-45 years,was a superpower, but during the post WW-II years, the US became the successor to the British Empire in the global play of forces.

During the six-year war, the British lost their grip on the colonies. The belated entry of the US in the war, just a few months before its conclusion, enabled it to become a new global power.

It is being assessed that continuation as well as extension of conflicts might be exhausting its resources , this finally would be enabling China to finally anoint itself as the only superpower, both in terms of economy and military power.

Interestingly, China has so far been maintaining almost a neutral position in the European War, as well as in West Asia, where Hamas terrorists are being wiped out by Israeli forces. Both China and India have been pursuing neutral stands for initiating peace talks.

Economic Impact  :  It may be recalled that during the WW-II years, Dow  was up by 45 percent, but  during the Afghan War, the investors in US war industries had reaped the profit by 700 percent. Therefore, the wars are also profitable for some people. It is  natural for the corporations engaged in the US war industries to expect a repeat in their profits in the ongoing wars in Eastern Europe and West Asia. They would be selling more weapons and earning huge profits, if the new incumbent in the White House could remain committed to the ongoing Ukraine -Russia War.

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Except, the UK, most countries among the European powers are in a dilemma. They apprehend that China being the manufacturing hub of the US-led West might become more assertive and aggressive, if the conflicts continue. The US and it’s western allies sacrifice their resource the wars

Dragon Smiles : The Chinese social media platforms are abuzz about the political elevation of Kamala Harris in the US politics a’s a frontline leader, but neither the Chinese foreign office nor the ruling communist party of China has reacted to it. They perhaps may be awaiting her formal announcement of her candidature at the Democratic Party convention early in August.

It , however,appears that the confusion and policy paralysis in the Capitol suits the Dragon. It is already at the threshold of overtaking the US in getting new patents and already has become a world leader in robotics. Its 24 science and technology clusters are considered as global tops. On the other hand, despite the new slogan of the Indian Prime Minister,  Narendra Modi, Jai Vigyan, the number of unemployment among engineers and technologists has increased in recent years.

The spoil systems that blossomed under the government umbrella known as Vyapam and Neet controversies have led to the mass exodus of trained manpower to various countries, including China.

The margin of popularity between the two candidates for American presidency, Republican Party’s Donald Trump, and Kamala Harris of the Democratic Party, is fluctuating with each passing day. It is hoped that with the nomination of Kamala Harris as official candidate of the Republican Party at the party’s convention will clear the decks for the historical polls. Her endorsement by the outgoing President Joe Biden has already indicated that Kamala Harris would be challenging Trump.

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It is going to be a challenge before the American electorate to choose between peace and war. The conflicts will usher in a trillion dollar war industry,  but it will be ending its only superpower conceding to the growing power of China. Xi Jinping and the Chinese Communist Party or CPC.

have decided to overtake the US by focusing on science and technology.

The letters of James, Chairman of the House Committee on Oversight and Accountability of the US Congress sent to various branches of the Biden Administration have remained unattended. The communication has also been sent to the Attorney General. It remains just being filled, perhaps, President Biden was reluctant to act, because they have not only exposed the Chinese penetration in key areas of the USA such as education, agriculture, critical infrastructure, research, energy, space, but also asked for adopting necessary measures to prevent the Chinese before they finally seize USA. The supporters of the Ukrainian Security Initiative may be upbeat with the nomination of Kamala Harris, but challenges before the American state remain unresolved.

Gopal Misra has been associated with national and international media. His books on journalism and geo-politics have been well-appreciated. Views are personal.

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