Youths between age 25 to 34 worst affected due to corona virus in Haryana

Published Date: 29-04-2020 | 1:26 pm


 A media survey reveals that Haryana state witnessed total number of 304 corona positive cases so far, which included 214 (nearly 78%) male and 59 (nearly 22%) female patients, of them 218 (71.71%) patients were cured and discharged from the hospitals recording highest number of cured patients in all states across the country and the credit goes to Chief Minister Manohar Lal Khatter as well as state Home cum Health Minister Anil Vij. According to age wise data of corona positive cases state had, youths between the age 25 to 34 were worst affected whereas persons age 85 and above were safest as no one in this age group suffered from coron virus in the state.

The age-wise ratio of corona positive cases was identified as two cases between age 0 to 5 years, seven cases between age 6 to 14 years, 53 cases between age 15 to 24 years, 74 cases between the age 25 and 34 years, 40 cases between the age 35 and 44 years, 39 cases between the age 45 and 54 years, 31 cases between the age 55 and 64 years, 22 cases between the age 65 and 74 years and four patients between the age 75 and 84 years. Information also reveals that out of total number of corona positive cases detected in Haryana state 127 cases were those arrived in the state after attending Tabligi Zamaat at Nizamuddin New Delhi recording 46% and caused infection to another 20 (nearly 7%) persons came in their contact. There were 14 Italian nationals arrived in Haryana state identified as corona positive among them 13 persons were cured and one died in the hospital at Gurugram..

Information also reveals,nearly 20000 persons from other countries arrived in Haryana after people in the state started suffering from corona virus, of them only 14 (nearly 5%) persons were identified corona positive. According to state health department record, 48 (nearly 18%) persons were found corona positive after coming in contact with corona patients, As many as 18 (nearly 7%) persons suffered corona positive sysmptoms were those working in state health department including doctors, nurses and para-medical staff had infection while treating corona patients in the hospitals and as many as 28 (nearly 10%) corona positive cases include venders, shopkeepers and students.

When talked to Health Minister Anil Vij, he assured relief in the state as all neighbouring states borders have been completely sealed and state suffered large number of corona positive cases due to the entry of large number of daily passengers from Delhi as well as residents of NCR area working at Delhi, which would not be allowed till situation improves. While discussing situation, Vij opined that there is need to enhance lock down in the state further to wipe out corona virus completely min the state, but at the same time there is need for relaxation to trade and industry.

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